Raneece Buddan

Wednesday, February 22 at 6 pm

Raneece Buddan Workshop
Living in Colour: Painting and Collage Workshop

Cost: $5.00 and includes one free drink. *Scholarships available. Call (780)471-1580.*

This workshop serves as an opportunity to explore the joys of your lives, living freely and unapologetically. Participants will create colourful unique pieces, incorporating textiles, magazine clippings and paint, working with various textures, layers and patterns. Participants may bring items or photos which play a part in their lives and identifies to make their pieces more personal.

Artist Bio
Raneece Buddan is a Jamaican visual artist who resides in Amiswaciwaskahikan (Edmonton) on Treaty 6 territory. She immigrated to Canada in 2015 and completed her BFA in Art and Design with Distinction at the University of Alberta in 2020. In her work, she focuses on her cultural identity as a Jamaican women Afro and Indo-Caribbean ancestry. She shows the beautiful merging of these cultures and the complexities of being multiracial identity in Jamaican society, particularly around hair and skin complexion. This is depicted by replacing her skin tone with fabrics meant to represent each ethnicity, as well as incorporating synthetic hair. Her process is based on material - the wood grains and mounds of clay. Her practice includes oil painting, wood working, clay sculpting, printmaking and weaving.

Instagram: @artbybuddan 
Website: raneecebuddan.com