Sabine Hahnel

Sabine Hahnel
Sabine loves being outdoors, forever looking for the next inspiration, to catch a glimpse of that something that makes her heart skip a beat. Nature is what she loves most for her subject matter and where she finds most of her ideas. She attempts to capture the beauty of this wonderful world using bright bold colors and textures combined with a contemporary, impressionistic approach. For Sabine, the beauty of painting is the freedom to alter reality to make it the way she would like it to be. Roots of this desire go back to her formative years living in a restrictive system in East Germany. She currently works as a Critical Care Nurse and paints in her spare time.
Sabine’s work will be on display from February 28 - April 1. Please join us for the opening reception on March 14 at 6 pm.
Instagram: itsartbysnowbee
facebook: ITsARTbySNOWBEE