Riwo Egor

Friday, February 24 at 7 pm

Riwo Egor

Riwo is a Nigerian born singer and songwriter. She is the lead vocalist of the band Melafrique. She has been performing since she moved to Edmonton in 2015, and has done so alongside various artists, both local and international. She is very passionate about sharing messages and personal stories through music, and enjoys doing so through the Neo-soul, R&B, Soul and Afro-Jazz styles of music. She believes in the power of music to heal wounds, and cause people to connect with each other on so many levels. One of her biggest goals in life is for her music to bring unity in the diversity of our crazy world. 

On January 13th, Riwo released a collaborative single, Safe Space, and you can find it and her other music on all streaming platforms.

FB: Riwo Egor
IG: @riwoisreps_t